Archives February 2017

Have You Tried Local Wines?

Have You Tried Local Wines?

You may have your favorite imported French wine or that exquisite Italian red wine you love. Yet, you may find that your local area also has more than a few wine choices available to you, too. Local wine may be a great investment for the individual who is looking for quality wines that may have a new twist in taste or be something that is excellent in flavor to match local dishes. Take some time to find out if there are local wines made within your own state that could be added to your wine collection. You may be surprised at what you do find. Read More

Choosing a Dessert Wine

Choosing a Dessert Wine

Most people know you should choose white wine with white meat and red wine with red meat, but what about dessert wine? Is there a protocol for choosing a dessert wine? One of the most important things to remember is to not serve desserts that are so sweet that they give the wine an overpowering taste. You want to choose a wine that will complement your dessert and add to an already elegant taste. If you do anything less you are not doing a service to your dessert, wine or guests. Read More