Mini Barrel of Brandy
New Release, Brandy produced from premium California barrel-aged wine distilled by artisans crafted into a uniquely classy spirit.
First 5 months aging in 60-gallon barrel. Then transferred into an individual mini-size barrel for more exposure to wood flavoring.
The wine was a 2012 Central Coast Pinot Noir, aged 6 years in barrel, and highlights the classic grape of the central coast that has become the cornerstone of California winemaking.
Premium Barrel of Brandy Aging
The flavor leans to a light vanilla backdrop. Along with minimal citrus highlights that when you sip it almost evaporates into your palate, leaving behind a light & sweet note left signing on the tongue.
- The barrel in the picture is roughly 1200ml in size.
- Final Brandy is 80 proof / 40% alc vol
We work with various varietals, blends, and types of wine to explore the essence that makes up each flavor note in the Brandy.