About the Lompoc Wine Factory
A winemaking Incubator & Co-Op winery.
Each member at the Lompoc Wine Factory represents their brand & carries their share. We have a “help others” culture. Our hope and dream are that members develop, increase their abilities, and grow to forge out on their own.
The Lompoc wine factory is a community-focused facility designed for new and craft winemakers & producers.
A major guiding principle is to get along, and have no drama in our daily activities. We strive to support all our members, but the facility time is managed & shared for efficient and friendly production.
Members tend to manage their own brand and the associated costs or special equipment requirements, & some brands contract Lompoc Wine Factory for Custom Crush. In both instances, proper legal licensing requirements must be met & approved.
TTB and ABC compliance consulting is available, & All submissions must be cleared prior to production beginning.
Legal Requirements are listed below:
There are many types of legal licenses. The primary type is the 02 Wine Growers license. We do work with other license types.
- A signed Storage Agreement for wine to be held on-premises
- A signed Agreement to be an Alternative Proprietor (TTB defined) between you and LWF, the owner of the Bond
- TTB Approval.
- ABC Approval. LWF will assist you with completing this application, but you are responsible to complete it.***
***All members are expected to have an ABC license Type 2 – Wine Grower.
LWF has an approved tasting room, bonded storage, cold-conditioned and non-refrigerated temperature-controlled case good storage.
We also have member-provided distribution licenses for spirits. While some non-member storage is available our focus is on members and members receive preference on any use or storage.
Equipment Rental Use Options
- Wine Press
- Bottling Equipment
- Filtering equipment (filters not included)
- Forklift
Members choose their desired level of participation and any additional equipment or services (fees may apply). Monthly charges begin once ABC & TTB approval has been met.
- Membership Options
- Jr Incubator: 2 barrels max first year
- Full Membership: (approved amount of production above 2 barrels.)
- Additional wine services
- Tasting Room: (Optional) or event fees if you are not a full tasting room member
- Storage: Fees for both Bulk wine and case goods. Members receive a reduced rate
- Equipment: use rate or Equipment storage fees should you desire to not share, or are in excess of the community need. (Member non-shared equipment, picking bins, extra tanks, etc.,)
- Support Services & Consulting: This is generally an hourly rate. Perhaps you had a requirement for assistance to ship for you or monitor your fermentation etc.
- Custom Crush agreements are unique and only performed by LWF.
Should you have any questions or simply wish to meet and discuss we welcome the opportunity to have you join our community please send an email to info@LompocWineFactory.com.
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